+373 22 245361 info@liumedteh.com


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Just a few procedures with Darsonval from LiuMedTeh and you will look 7 years younger. Don’t believe? Convince yourself of this.

1. Indications for use


  • eczema;
  • lichen;
  • acne rash;
  • youth acne;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen ruber planus;
  • scleroderma systematica and focal;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • keloid cicatrs;
  • hair loss;
  • seborrhea;
  • dandruff.


1.2.1 Respiratory system diseases:

  • tracheitises;
  • bronchitises;
  • bronchial asthma.

1.2.2 Gastrointestinal tract diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach and bowels dyskinesis;
  • inflammation of the rectum wall.

1.2.3 Heart and vessels diseases:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardiodystrophy;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • essential hypertension.


  • spine osteochondrosis;
  • neuritises;

CNS vascular diseases (headaches, including migraine, Raynaud's disease, acroparaesthesia, neurasthenia).


1.4.1 Purulent and inflammatory processes:

  • furuncles;
  • burns;
  • frostbites;
  • bruises;
  • hematomas;
  • postoperative infiltrates and wounds;
  • trophic ulcers.

1.4.2 Joints diseases:

  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • spondylarthrosis.

1.4.3 Muscles, articular cavities diseases:

  • myalgia;
  • myositis.

1.4.4 Arteries and veins diseases:

  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trophic ulcers.


  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • cochlear neuritis;
  • ear noise;
  • rhinitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • maxillary sinusitis;
  • catarrh;
  • nasal catarrh.


  • stomatitis;
  • parodontosis;
  • gingivitis



2.1 Application of the device is contraindicated in cases of:

- neoplasms benign and malignant nature;

- pregnancy;

- diseases requiring surgery and intensive care.

2.2 If the impact of the device КОРОНА causes adverse reactions (idiosyncrasy current) should abandon its further use and consult a doctor.


3.Features of the therapeutic action of Darsonval discharge and techniques of procedures

3.1 Basis of therapeutic effects of the device КОРОНА on biological objects is Korona discharge occurring between the surface of the body and the electrode.

The main active factors in the Korona are:

- electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency band (from supersonic to ultraviolet spectrum inclusive);

- a high frequency current flowing in the depth of the tissue;

- thermal radiation occurring in the body tissues and in the area of Korona discharge;

- ultrasonic vibrations weak intensity arising directly in tissues (oscillatory effect);

- chemically active agents (ozone and small amounts of nitrogen oxides).

3.2 Specialty of the effect of physical factors in the Korona discharge received from the device, is that the discharge develops not only in the air gap, but also endogenously in the depths of biological tissues. Human skin contains numerous ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands, filled with electrolyte, which are conductive channels.

In these channels develops an electrical discharge, producing electromagnetic radiation and ultrasonic vibrations, which carry a kind of drainage excretory ducts. Electromagnetic radiation of varying range, resulting in deep tissue, stimulate metabolism, tissue respiration, normalize the activity of the endocrine glands, contribute to a partial resolution of salt conglomerates in the joints, the damaged tissue is regenerated.

3.3 Treatment can be carried out remotely and a contact, labile (moving) or stable way.

3.3.1 When using contact method, area of the skin must be previously dried and dusted with talc, then the electrode has to be applied to the skin easily, move without pressure or linear in a circular motion, don’t take away from the skin surface.

3.3.2 When using remote method electrode is placed above the exposure spot at a distance of 0.5 ... 1.0 cm (available through cheesecloth or other cloth), allowing the formation of a Korona discharge.

3.4 Set the selected electrode in a holder. Treat the surface of the electrode with a disinfectant solution. Set to the middle position the regulator of amplitude of output voltage . Plug the device into a power outlet.

3.5 With regulator of amplitude of output voltage set the desired intensity of the Korona discharge on the individual feeling, i.e., should feel a slight tingling sensation, does not cause discomfort.

3.6. By timeout of procedure set regulator of amplitude of output voltage “U” in the leftmost position and remove the electrode. Unplug the machine. Remove the electrode from the holder. Treat the surface of the electrode with a disinfectant solution.

Treatment methods

4.1 Treatment of skin diseases

4.1.1 In the treatment of skin diseases without exuding (eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, acne, psoriasis, lichen planus, alopecia and systemic scleroderma, exudative diathesis, keloid scars, hair loss, seborrhea, dandruff) contact technique is used in the labile mode:

- previously dry the treated area (wipe with swab of cotton wool or a piece of gauze), then the electrode has to be attached to the skin and easily, without pressure moved with linear or circular motion, not taking away from the skin surface. Mushroom electrode is used in the treatment of large areas. Cavernous electrode is used in the processing of the sinuses phalanges of limbs;

- duration of treatment is 5 minutes for each of the affected areas;

- during a treatment session can handle up to 5 different sites on the body surface, by selecting them in any sequence;

- after the procedure treat skin with softening cream or vegetable oil;

- treatment consists of 10 ... 15 sessions held every day or two;

4.1.2 In the treatment of skin diseases with exuding (weeping eczema, etc.) using remote procedure in the labile mode:

- on the affected area of the skin to impose 2 ... 3 layers of gauze or canvas cloth, then attach the electrode to the tissue and by turning the amplitude to acceptable mode of action, move it linear or circular for 8 minutes over the affected site;

- during the therapy, can handle up to 4 different areas of the body;

- course of treatment consists of 10 ... 15 sessions held every day or two.

4.1.3 For the prevention of diseases of the scalp (seborrhea, hair loss, psoriasis, dandruff) apply contact technique using pectinate electrode. Pre remove from the hair metal objects, comb hair, then pectinate electrode, while regulator of output voltage amplitude is moved to the leftmost position, is placed on the head.

Slowly move the electrode from the forehead to the neck, turning the regulator of amplitude to the right. Exposure intensity until feeling weak tingling and warmth. Procedures for up to 10 minutes is administered daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 20 ... 25 procedures.

4.2 Treatment of therapeutic diseases

4.2.1 For the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma contact technique is used in the labile mode, using a small mushroom electrode:

- while processing the nose wings are processed first, alternately from left and right touching with electrode the surface of the skin and moving the electrode away from the front surface of the nose to the wings for 5 minutes. Then nasolabial fold is processed by smoothly moving the electrode from left to right and vice versa. Thus deep breathing ozone air for 3…5 minutes;

- then the front surface of the neck is processed by linear movement of the electrode alternately up and down for 5 minutes. Last back of the neck is processed and forth motions up and down alternately for 5 minutes;

- after the procedure, the treated surfaces must be lubricated with baby cream or vegetable oil;

- treatment consists of 8 ... 12 procedures. After 1 month, you can repeat the treatment.

4.2.2 For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract contact technique is used in the labile mode, using mushroom electrode.

Chronic gastritis therapy is recommended in the stomach. Mushroom electrode by longitudinal and circular motion is moved in skin epigastric region.

Average intensity of exposure. Exposure time 7 ... 12 minutes every day or every other day. The course of treatment is 15 ... 20 procedures.

In case of stomach and intestine dyskinesia procedures are performed in the stomach zone by moving mushroom electrode with longitudinal and circular motion from the costal arch to the navel. Intensity of exposure is average or strong. Exposure time 5 ... 12 minutes every day or every other day. The course of treatment is 15 ... 20 procedures.

When intestinal area is exposed, electrode is moved along the large intestine (from right to left groin folds). Intensity of exposure average or strong. Exposure time 15 minutes every day or every other day. The course of treatment is 15 ... 20 procedures.

In case of inflammation of the rectal wall treatment is carried out only after the corona-remitting acute events. Before the procedure, the patient should empty the bowel and wash the skin with warm water in the crotch area. Patient lying on his side with pushed feet to the stomach, rectal electrode covered in vaseline is introduced into the rectum to a depth of 4-6 cm (rectal electrode not included for completeness, but it may be purchased separately). Position of the device is fixed with sand bags to the electrode lying horizontally and not put pressure on the side wall of the colon. Insert, fix and dismount cautiously, as the glass electrode is fragile and rough handling can lead to local tissue injury of cavity. The intensity is gradually increased until the patient feels lite heat and continuously monitored the state of health, reducing the intensity in case of feeling overheating. Duration of the procedure initially is set for 5 minutes, it adjusts to 15 minutes. After finishing the procedure set regulator of amplitude of output voltage “U” in the leftmost position and carefully withdraw the electrode. Procedures are performed daily or every other day. Treatment course is up to 20 procedures. In the presence of cracks and sharp pain in 15 minutes before the procedure candle with belladonna is introduced into the rectum. The presence of minor bleeding is not a contraindication for rectal procedures.

Contraindications are acute inflammatory period, the presence of developing acute proctitis or thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins. Procedures also contraindicated if during the treatment has enhanced bleeding and occurs pain.