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The “magnetotherapy” word means the application of a mainly magnetic field , originated from low and high frequencies, for therapeutic purposes. In our case this is a device MAG-30, that can be used in your home as well as in the hospital.

The magnetotherapy regenerates the injured cells by improving the enzyme kinetics and repolarizes the cellular membranes; furthermore, it produces an anti-stress action and promotes an acceleration of all reparative phenomenon, with bio regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, without side effects.

The magnetotherapy is a physiotherapy form, that uses electromagnetic energy and it is an effective, safe and not invasive cure. The magnetic fields interact with cells, favoring the recovery of the physiological conditions of equilibrium. It is indicated in cases where it is necessary to stimulate tissue regeneration after damaging events of various kinds.

The generated electromagnetic fields promote safe results without the use of drugs.

The magnetotherapy’s benefits:

  • Relieve the pain: it acts as a potent analgesic
  • It accelerates the healing processes
  • It stimulates the cellular exchange
  • It improves the nutrition and the oxygenation of tissues
  • It reduces the inflammations
  • It stimulates the resorption of edema
  • It improves the capillary flow
  • It regenerates the cells without energy
  • It slows down the process of bone density decrease

MAG 30
A apparatus is intended for providing of therapeutic influence on the organism of man the variable heterogeneous magnetic field. The low-frequency sine wave magnetic field carries out antichloristic action, improves circulating processes and local circulation of blood, instrumental in resorption of inflammatory and traumatic edema, improving terms for renewal of the damaged fabrics. The good bearableness of action of the variable magnetic field is marked in weak patients, patients of elderly and senile age, sufferings the concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system .
It allows to apply a apparatus in many cases, when influence other physical factors is not rotined. Influence the magnetic field does not cause the irritation of skin.

Testimonies to application:

Diseases of locomotorium:

- deforming osteoartrose of hip, knee, talocrural joints, joints of foot and brush;
- periartroze of humeral joint;
- bursitis, bursitis of humeral joint;
- osteochondrosis of spine;

Damages of locomotorium and their consequence:

- break of bones of extremities, pelvis, spine;
- internal damages of joints;
- postaccident contraction of joints;
- injury of soft fabrics, haematoma, damages of copulas and muscles;

Diseases of muliebrias

- inflammatory diseases of uterus and appendages;
- hipofunction of ovaries, insufficiency lyuthein phases of menstrual cycle;
- premenstrual and climacteric syndrome;
- jointing process in an abdominal region and small to the pelvis;
- complications after operative delivery;

Saccharine diabetes - diabetic angiopathy; - diabetic polineyropathy;

Diseases of the venous system

- thrombosis of deep veins of shin - sharp and chronic;
- chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders;
- thrombosis of subclavian vein.

Contra-indications: general for all physical therapy procedures (pregnancy, system diseases of blood, alcoholic intoxication).